Monday, November 24, 2008

The professor and the fisherman

A professor yg very clever at going on holiday in a village, at that time he met with a fisherman yg by chance want to fish.
When the fisherman is preparing his fish hook implement, the professor saw his fish hook implement evidently only a bamboo without the implement roll to hoist the fishing line, finally the professor said: oh Sir the fisherman, you did not yet know technology yg his name roll utk kerekan in the fish hook ok?If like this you neglect 14 times from your life uptil now, the quiet fisherman then.
Afterwards after preparing the fish hook implement, the fisherman began to rise to the small size boat and is follow by the professor in the boat, when the fisherman began rowed, the professor said again: oh Sir the fisherman, you still rowed?You did not yet know technology yg his name the motor machine?By that you must not be tir of rowing and being faster so as to save your time, if like this you neglect 12 times from your life uptil now, the quiet fisherman also.
After until in the middle of the lake, suddenly the boat of the fisherman leak and want to sink, finally the fisherman ask the professor of the leap and swam ketepi, but evidently the professor could not swim, finally the fisherman said :wah Professor, cook you did not know the method swam?Oh if just as you neglect all time from your life here. ^^

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